Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Our lives are not determined by what happens to us
but by how we react to what happens..
not by what life brings to us
but by the attitude we bring to life..

A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes..

It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results.. didnt write english is not dat good..

tp, looking the first four lines..mmg btol gak..say, ade org buat kite bengang..rase mcm nk hempuk2 je..rase nk jerit kat, kite kena react btol2..
kalo marah2 kat dia..nnt sure gaduh..sakit hati lg, penat nangis lg..abes mate dah x cun..hehee..(been there, done that)..
kalo bersabar..cute sket..x de la idung kembang2..ha3..sbb kalo marah2 kn idung kembang..x caye??try tgk muke mase marah..if u r my fren, u hav 2 believe me..he3
lg pon as our Prophet Muhammad said..a strong person is not the person who throws his adversaries to the ground..a strong person is the one who contains himself when he is angry..

plus, a smile can make a, not senyum menggatal..ish3..
good stuff can b berjangkit just like menguap..eyhh..ntah ape2 perbandingan, i bet most students sedar yg menguap tue berjangkit, kn..same goes for good deeds..just like cite Pay It Forward..sedey kn cite, useful mssg..

ok..gtg..ofis hr dah abes..



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