Sunday, May 29, 2005


[Bertemu cinta teragung
Di dalam sujudku asyik menyanjung
Umpama pengembara di malam gelita
Dan tuk cinta-Nya menerangi jiwa

Sekian lama terbiar
Dalam belantara hidup nan liar
Di bukit ku tersepit di lembah terhina
Hidup yang perit mengajarku mencari cinta

Ku sangka teguh
Kiranya masih rapuh
Kusangka mudah namun amat payah

Kusedar semua pasti ada akhirnya
Moga akhirku diselimut cinta
Cinta agung-Nya

Sekian lama diri terlalai
Kehidupan terabai
akhirnya aku temui kedamaian abadi ]

........setelah mengalami nervous breakdown selama beberapa hari, i wake up this morning with otak yg lbey normal dan hati yg dah penat memakan diri nya sdr..maka, tiba lah saat utk terus ke depan dengan meninggalkan masa lepas yg obviously, dah lepas..mcm dlm cerita laila isabella tue, rosyam ade cakap...
"yg lepas biar jadi sejarah, mase depan biar jadi hak kite!"....

........mase aku lower form, kalo aku tension, satu skolah tau, kite matured as we go on with this life..lame2 aku dah byk, aku mls nk tunjuk muke toye aku kat sume, kadang2 aku terlepas gak ngan muke kurang cun, aku mintak maaf kat sume org, housemate aku, kawan2 aku yg terpaksa melayan ketidaktentuan hati ini....

........for me, this yr has been such a tough yr for me...i learnt mighty lotssssssss mase i'm back at msia last yr n they affect me till now....about my famili, my famili, my famili and my personal life...getting older is not just getting closer to see Him, but also making you realise the responsibility you have to ppl surround your smallest decision will affect others, esp those who care...

.......the lesson in life is not in the victory solely, but in the struggle mostly....

.......those who fall, it is not important to know where you fell, but where you slipped.... the saying said, the ship is safe at the harbour, but that's not what a ship is built for...

.......ok, homework time!

Friday, May 27, 2005

[did the captain of the titanic cry?]

[Did the captain of the Titanic cry?]

when the Titanic submerged into the atlantic ocean years ago, it was the hottest news ever..i bet, it still is, up till now..the so-called unsinkable ship made such headlines days, weeks, even years..
a catasthrope no one could ever imagine..

the luxurious ship cost more than $7.5million at that time..flashed with expensive French restaurant, swimming pool, a gym, squash court, an electric horse and other God-know-what-they-want stuff..nevertheless, the first class passengers paid $4350 (around $50 000 nowadays) for the temporary man-made 'heaven'..

Captain EJ Smith, the man at the helm, was among the most famous persons discussed..i wonder, what he felt at that time?

to see his dream.. fall into pieces, right in front of his bare eyes, till the last breath he took..

all he wanted is to speed his dream straight to the stars, but it dunked into the very bottom of Atlantic ocean instead..

he was the one who sped up the gigantic titanic on the unfateful, moonless nite..
he was the most experienced shipmaster at the time..
and yes,
he wanted the last chapter of his career to be the most glamorous, respectful episode..

but no,
he was not aware of the iceberg he was destined to hit..
a tip of iceberg that made all the difference..
tarnished reputation he had to bring, 6-feet under, instead..

~*it's all about the shattered dream*~

how hurtful it is to see the dream that we beautifully colours in mind,
crushed like a piece of useless glass..

how frustrate it is to feel the dream that we weave perfectly with golden thread,
unbraided like frail strand..

and how discourage it is to hear the melancholy songs,
when we wish at the rainbow's end there are happy melodies..

but again, who are we to doubt the incoming uncertainties

so tell me,

when we see all things falls apart..

is it wrong to cry?

did the captain of the titanic cry?

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

[sweet like sugar]

[sweet like sugar]

just finished making myself a cup of coffee (2nd cup in a day!!)..really, badly need this one as it's been such an exhausting day..and, it's only wednesday..still another half week to go..go!go! :D..

anyways, i always love strong coffee..less sugar, less or no milk..
just now, when i tried to open the sugar container's lid, i nearly dropped the whole bunch..aiseyhh..must be me who didnt close it carefully..thank God there r no ants in my apartment..or else, i hav no idea on how to get rid of 'em..

back home, if i did exactly dat, i believe the ants r having one hell of a party ;) the pepatah melayu goes, ada gule adalah semut..non-separable..sooo true bcoz naturally, we r attracted to watever we like, rite..
maka, adakah kite semut??huhuu..(x psl2)..

and there's another pepatah mati semut kerana gule..hmm..pelik kn, sbb semut dies in sugar, it's fav stuff on earth! the whole bunch of sugar can kill need pesticides, Ridsect or watever..hehee..sooo ppl with diabetes..xtra sugar in blood, rite?hmm..mcm mane ngan org yg cintakan dunia..harta mende..pangkat....??


hopefully when we die, we'll die in Islam,and as true Muslim (ade ke x true Muslim??hehehee)

looking at the ants, it's quite a wonder how semut can line up in a mighty long line all way tru wherever it leads..i did, once, try to block the line with a book yrs back to sesat kn ants itu..heheee..and they are clever enuf to find their way..i cant remember how, but i think it must be sumthing to do with their special find their way even they r blocked by naughty me..

like us la kn..if we hav a perfect reference, we wont sesat or mislead, even the hurdles are sooo massive (or sooo minute..kadang2 mende2 halus ni kite jarang nmpk)..

as Muslim, our references r of ocz la Sunnah & the Qoran..dat one book dah sits nicely on the shelf..(ingat dulu org tua2 pesan, letak Quran tmpt tinggi..x elok kalo2 terlangkah2..simpan dlm almari..hmm..alamatnye, x bace ah..dok dlm almari je..huhuu ;))..
mungkin maksud mereka tue, tmpt tinggi as di hati kite..............................

hmm..back to the semuts..they r in lines rite??line is good..berjuang dlm satu barisan..saling mmbantu dan mengukuh.. [61:4]

so, mudah kn..tgk semut pon bley jd pengajaran..dr binatang2 nie byk mende bley blaja..tgk la ape saja, yg penting lihat dari kace mate sumber rujukan kite...important to hav references..just like when i did my engineering calculation..if i dont hav a reference pt, all my calculation will be kalut...

ok, lets do each one of us a favor, will ya..

no, bukan gi carik semut..


lets remind each other ;) coffee's cold now

Monday, May 09, 2005

pesanan buat adik

[Pesanan buat adik]

adik, adik..
adik nk gi mane?
nape kluar rumah?
adik nk gi blaja, kak
ooo..bile adik kat sane, ingat tujuan tue
jgn terikut org lain,if org tue bad influence

adik, adik..
ape cite2 adik?
x tau lagik la kak..
lpas nie baru nk pk
ooo..kite org islam dik, cite2 satu je
biar jelas sampai akhir nafas

adik, adik..
adik dah ready ke?
ready ape kak??sume brg dah beli
minggu lepas dah beli
ooo..kite org islam dik, ready kite lbey dari material
blaja dr perihal smlm, simpan buat mase depan
lihat lbey dgn mata
pk biar tembus dunia

adik, adik..
ape rase nye eyh?
rase ape, kak?
ape rase nk kluar rumah?
adik takut tak?
takde la ape sgt, kak
dekat je ngan rumah sedare2 kite
ooo..bagus la
jage diri lbey dari physical
lawa kite bukan utk semua
x gune megah2 dunia

kak, kak..
adik makin x phm
akak cakap psl ape?
ooo..adik x phm..
bagus adik bertanya
x tahu, kite tanya
biar jln gelap itu ade cahaya
dari kabur2, jadikan terang
biar cerah bilik sebelah

kak, kak..
ape merepek nie?
kak x merepek..
akak ckp ade gunenye
adik x phm..akak ajarkan
ape yg akak ade
adik pon ade bende yg bley ajar akak
kaca mata kita berbeza
tp, biar satu jln dan tujuan

silap akak jgn adik ikut
yg baik, kite lalui bersama
jgn lupe ayah ibu
abang, adik, dan kakak awak nie
kite bersama...
akak byk salah
akak x nk adik buat yg same
buang mase dan x bergune

adik, adik..
janji ngan akak..
bantu diri kite dan mereka

kak, kak..
adik x phm..
tp, adik sedey..
x tau nape..
takpe dik,
akak pon sedey..
pegang tangan akak
kalo salah satu kite jatuh
jgn biar berpaut pd yg rapuh

jgn nangis, dik..
tp, kalo nk nangis

biar air mate ini air mate yg bergune
biar mampu memedamkn api neraka

Monday, May 02, 2005

jawapan TekaTekidotcom

[TekaTekiDotCom - No Ordinary Answer], no one wanna anwser my quiz..ish3..mentang2 ah not examinable ujung sem nie!huhuhuu..anyways, i like answering my own question..bcoz sumtimes we know it already but it will only make sense when we jot it down sumwhere, physically or heart-ly ;)
or sumtimes we dont bother :(

ult li albi bissaraha
=(I'm opening up my heart with honesty)
hayya nab'idil karaha
=(Let's avoid the hated and hatred)
syakkireena a' kulli ni'ma
=(Let's remain thankful with what we have)
ba' ideena anil fattana
=(Let's avoid all lies and sins)

so, dont u think the words kinda familiar??(eventhough u dont really listen to nasyid, and like me, dont speak arabic?? :D) is funny sometimes when we listen to music and claim dat we are the die-hard fan of certain artist or group or watever, and yet, dont recognise the lyrics..

but, may b some of us do realise where i got the words..hehehee..(tp, x nk jwb quiz tu lak..aiseyhh)..

funny la jugak when we really wanna sing our fav song, from our fav singer, and start to search the lyrics so dat we can tell the whole world dat the door-size poster on the wall is a prove dat s/he's my idol..and yet dont know the real meaning of the so-called soothing lyrics..

but, may b some of us say, we know wat it means, by heart and dah kunyah lumat ditelan, lalu menjadi darah daging..sehari x ku dgr, bisa runtuh hidup ini..(ewahh i'm exaggerating :D )..

the words are actually from TooPhat's Alhamdulillah, together with Dian & Yassin..dunno y tetiba terasa nk search for the arabic's part..and when i went tru the lyrics, hmm..not bad..good stuff, only for those who realise..not for those who sing bcoz it's TooPhat's, and sing it bcoz it's cool to do so, or sing just to know a bit of HipHop..

it is important to understand y, not just to know how..

like an assignmnt i hav now..i've found most of the relevent books, i've browsed tru some of them, i've borrowed them from library..but i hav to read them to validate my ideas, i hav to understand them to be able to convince my lecturer (give me more marks laa,plss) and frens..the assignmnt is about pharmaceutical, which is quite alien 2 me..hehee..but again, it is to understand dat, it is the knowledge i'm seeking for, not solely the mark..may b one day i'm going to biotech dis thing is like a prepration, rite??..

a pain at the moment, and perhaps a cure for later..

so, if u r confused by my coretan, or u just browse tru without reading my essay, i just wanna get one thing across

it is to understand y, not just to know how