Wednesday, May 18, 2005

[sweet like sugar]

[sweet like sugar]

just finished making myself a cup of coffee (2nd cup in a day!!)..really, badly need this one as it's been such an exhausting day..and, it's only wednesday..still another half week to go..go!go! :D..

anyways, i always love strong coffee..less sugar, less or no milk..
just now, when i tried to open the sugar container's lid, i nearly dropped the whole bunch..aiseyhh..must be me who didnt close it carefully..thank God there r no ants in my apartment..or else, i hav no idea on how to get rid of 'em..

back home, if i did exactly dat, i believe the ants r having one hell of a party ;) the pepatah melayu goes, ada gule adalah semut..non-separable..sooo true bcoz naturally, we r attracted to watever we like, rite..
maka, adakah kite semut??huhuu..(x psl2)..

and there's another pepatah mati semut kerana gule..hmm..pelik kn, sbb semut dies in sugar, it's fav stuff on earth! the whole bunch of sugar can kill need pesticides, Ridsect or watever..hehee..sooo ppl with diabetes..xtra sugar in blood, rite?hmm..mcm mane ngan org yg cintakan dunia..harta mende..pangkat....??


hopefully when we die, we'll die in Islam,and as true Muslim (ade ke x true Muslim??hehehee)

looking at the ants, it's quite a wonder how semut can line up in a mighty long line all way tru wherever it leads..i did, once, try to block the line with a book yrs back to sesat kn ants itu..heheee..and they are clever enuf to find their way..i cant remember how, but i think it must be sumthing to do with their special find their way even they r blocked by naughty me..

like us la kn..if we hav a perfect reference, we wont sesat or mislead, even the hurdles are sooo massive (or sooo minute..kadang2 mende2 halus ni kite jarang nmpk)..

as Muslim, our references r of ocz la Sunnah & the Qoran..dat one book dah sits nicely on the shelf..(ingat dulu org tua2 pesan, letak Quran tmpt tinggi..x elok kalo2 terlangkah2..simpan dlm almari..hmm..alamatnye, x bace ah..dok dlm almari je..huhuu ;))..
mungkin maksud mereka tue, tmpt tinggi as di hati kite..............................

hmm..back to the semuts..they r in lines rite??line is good..berjuang dlm satu barisan..saling mmbantu dan mengukuh.. [61:4]

so, mudah kn..tgk semut pon bley jd pengajaran..dr binatang2 nie byk mende bley blaja..tgk la ape saja, yg penting lihat dari kace mate sumber rujukan kite...important to hav references..just like when i did my engineering calculation..if i dont hav a reference pt, all my calculation will be kalut...

ok, lets do each one of us a favor, will ya..

no, bukan gi carik semut..


lets remind each other ;) coffee's cold now

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