Monday, December 20, 2004

My latest perfume

My Latest Perfume


so, wats ur fav perfume..u may name a few, may b tonnes..hmmm..some ppl luv collecting perfume..they even make it as a hobby..good2..i, for once, bought my perfume two years ago..when i was in uniten..and i still hav it up till now..and i hardly use it..i think thats y the bottle is still half full..back then, everytime i used it, my fren will sneeze..poor gal!hehhee..but thats not the reason i stopped using it..actually, when i leave msia for some new place, i always forget to apply the sweet aroma of the perfume..and as time goes, i just dont use it anymore..hehehee..pembaziran??not really..
dont u think wearing perfume attracts ppl??silly me!!thats the reason most ppl using it..hehhehe..
but in islam, Rasulullah saw bersabda yg bermaksud..Andai wanita keluar dari rumah memakai bau2an, maka dia sudah dianggap melakukan penzinaan..
hmm..the words are clear enuf..its just the matter we open our eyes or we turned into blind, wats up with me and my latest perfume??
recently, my baju bau asap la..ish3..teruk btol!the reason is in this flat provided by my employer, i hav to use ubat nyamuk-coil type everynite..thats y la my baju smells like, mcm mane eyh nk get rid of the smell..i think, using spray type ubat nyamuk may get rid of the smell but the nyamuk will attack me back during late at nite..mosquitoes at that area are mad!that i can assure u!
guess for the time being, i hav to live with goes on!

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