Monday, November 06, 2006

Easier said than done, but that doesn't spell impossible.

Do you know what positive thinking is? It's all about looking things on the brighter side though everything looks bleak. It's all about accepting thing as it is.
We have no choice but to move on. We have no choice but to face the challenge.
So rise up and face it!
To be caught in sentimental craps is what the enemy wants, so that we keep on blaming ourselves for all the past mistakes that haunts us.

Enough of sentimental plots. Lots of work needed to be done. And they require no weak people like those who cried like little baby. Big things require people with big heart.

Seriously, are you in?

They said give up,
They said it couldn't be done
They said I'd regret it
They were wrong
My dream is to rise up to every challenge
And from up here
All the mountains look like molehills

3:139. Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah (dalam perjuangan mempertahankan dan menegakkan Islam), dan janganlah (pula) kamu bersedih hati (terhadap apa yang akan menimpa kamu), padahal kamulah orang-orang yang paling tinggi (darjatnya), jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman.

Jika benar kita orang yang beriman, mengapa bersikap lemah seperti kita tak punya Dia Yang Maha Kuasa?

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