Sunday, March 20, 2005

[quotable quotes]

[Quotable Quotes]

so, here's the frens n i went for a talk last first i was quite hesitant..somehow, going for an Islamic talk is kinda alien for me..

besides, last weekend was very the very busy for me..with straining muscle aching all over my body n meetings to attend..rase mcm careerwoman plak..huhuhuu..

anyways, to cut the exaggerating stori, i went gak la for the talk..dah byk did the 'worldly' things..thus, it's time for a lil rest..

the talk is about knowledge in islam..(ok, dont go 'rifhan ke nie?' *wink*)

well, i cant tell every single detail..i'm, not bcoz i felt asleep need to give reasons laa..lets just say, it's sumthing to do with my limitation..hu3..

lagipon, if i wrote a lot, u guys might end up skipping or just browsing tru b4 clicking other web page..(gotcha!*wink*)

these are the things i learnt yersterday:

1]today's edu system ONLY prepares us for the industrial activities i.e work

2]knowledge in Islam is more than's about learning something that u can teach somebody else(beneficial knowledge)

3]Intellect is NOT about getting a degree and NOT about science

4]intellect is about SEEing the SIGNS of science, REFLECTS it and RELATES BACK to Allah swt and USE for benefits of others

5]Ibadat is NOT ritual

6]Ibadat is like breathing.if we dont breathe, we DIE

STOP!think back the last 2 phrases^^^..hu3

ok, after u've think tru, then, u can read tru *wink*

Dictionary of the Day

INFORMATION = is like a donkey with a book on its back.the stuff is just there, without being used

KNOWLEDGE = is like a rider who leads the donkey and understands the content of the book

WISDOM = is knowing which bags contain which books, and knowing which one to read and apply

TIE UR CAMEL, THEN RELY TO ALLAH = ok, this one is kinda long..jgn skip, kay!hu3..

overall, it means 'make an effort, and rely to Allah'..

and now u will go asking me, how 'make an effort' relates to 'tie ur camel' to make an effort when u r tied?..

actually it means make an effort i.e berusaha, but remember Allah and the Do's & Dont's i.e limit/ restraint ur mind, adn avoid, kan?!

ok lah..that's all..i need to go to Lim supermarket..bukan utk meng'kaya'kn Mr.Lim yg i hardly know..but, to buy some food..Sumayyah nk buat macoroni..huhu..hungry anyone??i'll learn from her n cook 4 u guys later, insyaAllah..

so, dont terputus hubungan..hu3..

later, kay..wasslm

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