Tuesday, March 29, 2005

[a road diverged in the yellow wood]

[A Road Diverged In The Yellow Wood]

caught in between..tired of uncertainty..sick of woobling heart..pening already..aiseyyhh..believe me, everyone feels the same once awhile..

'O Allah, I seek Your help in finding out the best course of action (in this matter) by invoking Your knowledge,

I ask You, to empower me, and I beseech Your favor.

You alone have the absolute power, while I have no power.

You alone know it all, while I do not.

You are the One who knows the hidden mysteries.

O Allah, if You know this thing (I am embarking on) is good for me in my religion, worldly life and my ultimate destiny,


facilitate it for me, and then bless me in my action.


on the other hand, You know this thing is detrimental for me in my religion, wordly life, and ultimate destiny,

turn it away from me,

and turn me away from it.........

and decree what is good for me,

whenever it may be........

and make me content with it.'

..as a Muslim, we put absolute trust in Allah..a Muslim must consciously give up his own desires and trust that he will find goodness, and indeed what is the best, in that which Allah has ordained..

..since the relationship with Allah deeply involves the heart, soul and mind of Muslim, the guidance that is sought is usually felt within the heart, rather than sensed by any of our physical senses, or dreamed while in a state of unconciousness..

..janji Allah itu pasti..
..Rest assured..

Wallahu A'lam

Monday, March 21, 2005


i'm sorri...

Sunday, March 20, 2005

[quotable quotes]

[Quotable Quotes]

so, here's the stori..my frens n i went for a talk last weekend..at first i was quite hesitant..somehow, going for an Islamic talk is kinda alien for me..

besides, last weekend was very the very busy for me..with straining muscle aching all over my body n meetings to attend..rase mcm careerwoman plak..huhuhuu..

anyways, to cut the exaggerating stori, i went gak la for the talk..dah byk did the 'worldly' things..thus, it's time for a lil rest..

the talk is about knowledge in islam..(ok, dont go 'rifhan ke nie?' *wink*)

well, i cant tell every single detail..i'm sorri..hehehee..no, not bcoz i felt asleep laa..no need to give reasons laa..lets just say, it's sumthing to do with my limitation..hu3..

lagipon, if i wrote a lot, u guys might end up skipping or just browsing tru b4 clicking other web page..(gotcha!*wink*)

these are the things i learnt yersterday:

1]today's edu system ONLY prepares us for the industrial activities i.e work

2]knowledge in Islam is more than that.it's about learning something that u can teach somebody else(beneficial knowledge)

3]Intellect is NOT about getting a degree and NOT about science

4]intellect is about SEEing the SIGNS of science, REFLECTS it and RELATES BACK to Allah swt and USE for benefits of others

5]Ibadat is NOT ritual

6]Ibadat is like breathing.if we dont breathe, we DIE

STOP!think back the last 2 phrases^^^..hu3

ok, after u've think tru, then, u can read tru *wink*

Dictionary of the Day

INFORMATION = is like a donkey with a book on its back.the stuff is just there, without being used

KNOWLEDGE = is like a rider who leads the donkey and understands the content of the book

WISDOM = is knowing which bags contain which books, and knowing which one to read and apply

TIE UR CAMEL, THEN RELY TO ALLAH = ok, this one is kinda long..jgn skip, kay!hu3..

overall, it means 'make an effort, and rely to Allah'..

and now u will go asking me, how 'make an effort' relates to 'tie ur camel'..how to make an effort when u r tied?..

actually it means make an effort i.e berusaha, but remember Allah and the Do's & Dont's i.e limit/ restraint ur mind, adn avoid temptations..cool, kan?!

ok lah..that's all..i need to go to Lim supermarket..bukan utk meng'kaya'kn Mr.Lim yg i hardly know..but, to buy some food..Sumayyah nk buat macoroni..huhu..hungry anyone??i'll learn from her n cook 4 u guys later, insyaAllah..

so, dont terputus hubungan..hu3..

later, kay..wasslm

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

lime juice concept

[lime juice concept]

the weather is unpredictable...most of the time, it is sooo hot..sometimes, it looks like the rain is about to pour soon..so, this poor gal hav to bring along the umbrella in the already-full school bag..(can i bring my hand luggage to school so dat i dont hav to carry the heavy school bag on my back??hmmm..)i bet the weather gonna b like dat till autumn starts, for real..

these hot days make me crave for lime juice...the refreshing taste it brings is just not in my vocabulary to explain..i love lime juice..lalalaa..i've tasted the lime just as itself yrs ago..and, as u already know, it is sooo wayyy souurrr..stupid aint i?i dunno wat i was thinking at that time..may be the tranmitters in my brain arent enuff to send the obvious mssg or my reseptors were down at that time..either way, the curiousity pays..in a 'sour' way..hu3..but then, i always love lime juice..it is another great stori to express as u add some sugar, water and ice cubes with lime...sluurrppp...

so, this is life..

where the lime juice concept applies..as sour as some experiences mayb, if we add some 'sugar', 'water' and 'ice cube', we'll feel and taste dat sweet thing..wat sweet thing u shall ask me..but it's not me to answer, but for u to find out..like the Nike advertisement on tv says 'look on the bright side of life'..

qouting phrases from my reading,

ketika seseorang mmberi anda segelas air limau, anda perlu menambah sesudu gula ke dlm nya,
ketika mndapat hadiah seekor ular, ambil saja kulitnya yg mahal dan tinggalkn bahagian tubuhnya yg lain,
ketika disengat kala jengking, ketahuilah sengatan itu mmberi kekebalan pada tubuh anda dari bahaya bisa ular.


Thursday, March 03, 2005

third yr blues, baby

[third yr blues,baby]

it's only my 1st week of yr 3 at uni and yet i've already felt the heat and pain..but, to put them in more +ve words, they are more like challenges and hurdles of life..Tuhan xkn mmbebankn kita dgn apa yg kite x mampu buat..i believe dat when the going gets tough, the tough gets going..

despite my daunting schedule, i managed to find time for my reading stuff..as boring and nerdy as it may sound, i always know dat i find my solace in reading, to some extend..by the way, i just finished reading 'the wedding' by one of my fav authors, nicholas sparks..kinda touching stori but it never beats the one he wrote b4, 'the rescue' or 'the bend in the road'..they brought me to tears, though..hu3..

at the same time, i feel like reading some serious stuff..dats y i bought 'the malay dilemma' by DrM..been reading a few pages..and looking 4ward to finish it asap..good stuff..i learnt a lot..eventhough the truth hurts..but again, dat is his personal view, a view from a wise man..nevertheless, we should think from different aspect and try to walk in one's shoes b4 making conclusions or follow blindly..(even a blindman has common sense)..btw, looking 4ward to get more books written by our x-p.m..may b if u guys ever wonder wat to buy for me, consider buying me one of his books ;)

i m also occupied with another book..kinda motivational book, 'Dont b sad'@ 'Jangan bersedih' @ 'La Tahzan'..very2 good one..highly recommended for teens like me who always feels down and going crazee lalala..he3..

hmm..i think i'll make a summary now and then about books..ala2 review frm a complete idiot like me..insyaAllah..rite now, i should b going back to my study..i've wasted soooo much time b4 this..

p/s: my comp break down, no internet at this new home yet, my hp bills gone up, my studies getting harder, my diary is already full, my student advisor giving silent threat, my social life is questioned, my neurontransmitters are doubled(due to the caffein)..my room is a mess, my homework n assignmnt are already Q-ed up (n i detected a due-date congestion at certain weeks)..

my head is spinning, my body is weaken, my heart is broken, my innerself is tested..

wat ever it takes,man..i'm gonna get tru this..

if 'give up' is in the dictionary, i believe it's not mine..

grant me guides, grant me strength, ya Allah..