Saturday, January 15, 2005

mari mmbasuh baju


these past few weeks, i've been doing my own laundry, manually..
yup, my flat doesnt hav a washing's all like the-good-old-days when i was in hostel..piling up the clothes till the day u feel like washing them..or the day u know u hav to..

if the day is sunny, ur smile enlightens the day even more, realising dat every sweat and sigh of ur 'washing effort' is worth..
but if the sky is dark, sending signals dat rain shall soon pouring the earth, brain starts to think..wat to do with the wet clothes??..(diikuti dgn bunyi 'alamakk, nk ujannn'..terasa sengal2 tangan akibat mmbasuh baju makin berdenyut jee..)been there, done dat..he3

if u let them soak long enuff, small black dots will appear..i dont know wat they call it in english, but in malay, we call it **** didnt smells like normal ****, but it will surely spoilt the appearance of our branded-but-not-so-cool-but-i-still-buy-it-though-it-cost-my-allowance-dearly or not-so-branded-but-it's-cool-and-cheap-dat-i-can-buy-another-ten clothes..he3..and i bet, i wont feel like wearing them will feel mcm x best..a feeling only ppl who has been there can explain....hav u??he3..

a coincident it may be, but there is another type of dots ppl dont realize dat dots on our face..the jerawat is surely dots but they are red, and ppl do realize it, gal..ha3..

the ones i meant are the black dots dat may appear in ur heart..
Rasullullah saw ade bersabda..Siapa yg melakukan satu dosa, maka akan timbul pd hatinya setitik hitam,
sekiranya dia bertaubat akan terkikislah titik hitam itu drp hati nya.
Jika tidak bertaubat, maka titik hitam itu akan terus merebak hingga seluruh hatinya menjadi hitam.
(Riwayat Ibn Majah)

korang x skip bace tue, kn..he3..

tp,kn..think deep..if we dont want to wear a cloth with **** lalat, do we want to hav a heart with black dots??

sebut psl ujan..i remembered a song mase primary skol..
sing with me!!
tip tap (2x)
ujan dah turun
tip tap (2x)
ujan dah turun
tip tap(2x)
baju dah basah
mari kita ambil payung!!

hmmm..kenape amik payung??kenapa x angkat baju??aihhh..kanak2..mak jugak yg kena angkat baju...aihhh..

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