Dancing in the rain
The sticky, wet land was our dance floor
The raindrops were our confetti
The lightning was not our sole lighting
The sun was about to set, the moon was ready to be seen
The frogs, the waves and the raindrops on the rooftops made the sweetest music
We were running, but I know I am dancing
I am happy
And I thought I have forgotten how 'happy' really feels
Until that day came
Dancing in the rain
I am happy
I wonder when it will revisit me.
Because right now, when it rains, it pours
I look into the space and the space stares back at me
Asking me the very same question I want to ask to those who want to hear
If I cry, will you please be here to lend me your shoulder?
If I want to jump, will you please be my anchor?
If I want to stare at the starless night, will you please pretend that it is not the blackest ever?
If I want to draw my impossible dream, will you please excuse my bad sketching?
And if I want to dance in the rain, will you please follow me to the sticky, wet floor?