marc anthony and julius caesar, both are heroes of the great rome empire, both felt in love with the famous Cleopatra..and Rome felt together with them..
the beatle's john lennon..he left the gang..and Yoko Ono are among those who are blamed..
among the 8 wonders of the world, the reason taj mahal stood proud is no longer a secret..shah jahan, he knows why, wayy better..
who could deny the power of a woman? who can change the history of the world, in a flip second..the girl-power or watever power we wanna call it to be, is never to be under estimated..our influnce on others, esp on men, must be used wisely, in the most appropiate manner..
lets make a history dat enlightens not darkens..
i may not be the best person to talk about leading, but i know how it feels when we are hindering..
Dari Usamah bin Zaid r.a bahawa Nabi s.a.w bersabda Tidak ada suatu fitnah (bencana) yang lebih besar bahayanya dan lebih bermaharajalela-selepas wafatku terhadap kaum lelaki selain daripada fitnah yang berpunca daripada kaum wanita
(Bukhari, Muslim, Imam Ahmad, at-Tirmidzi, Nasai dan Ibnu Majah)
If we are believers, we believe the hadis whole-heartedly..it is a fitrah for us, women to be cantik and cun and all..and with it, comes along huge task..like wat Peter Parker said 'with great power, comes great responsibility'..i think, it is our commitment to avoid any sorts of fitnah or gosip..
gosip, never sells but cheaper..
so, wats the source of this gosip?i, myself am still searching and wanting to know wat it's all about
lets take a moment..
to think and rethink...................
is it the words we said?the topic we discussed?the kinda-tight clothes we wore?the sweet-voice by the fone we chatted?the jokes we cracked?the frens we hung out with?the touched-up face we present?or is it the food we cooked?
hehh..mari berpk..berpk dan bergerak..
mende yg jauh, x kn jadi dekat kalo kite x berjalan
jom jln, nk ikut??
jln same2 selamat sket..mak pon pesan mcm tue..